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2007-09-17 03:03:29
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Mythology Colliseum

Welcome to the place of the Immortal Where you can mingle with the other Gods and strike up some unlikely relationships and interfere in the mortal world itself from your throne atop the skies. Here, is a world apart from the realm that had long since abandoned the theologies of the ancients. Here, is a patchwork of all mythological territories; a universe upon itself. Here, the world of the ancients is preserved and thrives...the last threshold where the Gods can still make man cower and bend to their will...





Graphics by [The Femme Fatale Problem]
Artwork by [kay-chan] and [The Femme Fatale Problem]

9.06.2005 Epic:The Ragnarok
Herein starts the adventure, the time before Ragnarok created the universe of the Gods. This sets us at the time before the realm of the Colliseum. Life as the Gods knew it in the mortal realm. Before the land was a patchwork of theology. Isolation of consorting with their own sort.

9.07.2005 Question: Chamber of Control
[herrschneemann] had an excellent question concerning whether certain Gods would be acceptible or not.

10.10.2005. Sprucing things up a bit  Just some minor HTML updates, don't worry about checking out all the changes.

10.13.2005. Epic: The Ragnarok
The universe of the Gods has unmade itself, and the tale of The Ragnarok is complete. Onto the next chapter...

10.13.2005. Epic: Awaken the Divine
The Gods rub the cosmic sleep from their eyes, only to find themselves in a sanctuary only the Divine can appreciate.

11.15.2005. Bulletin: Dark Deities Needed! There is a lack of evil characters to create conflict. Please, if you or anyone you know is interested, please send notification to [The Femme Fatale Problem] or just comment on the main page. That is all.

12.03.2005. New Wiki: In Their Likeness
Here you can post pictures you've drawn of the Immortals from the RP.

1.02.2006. Wiki Ending Soon: Awaken the Divine
Drawing to a close, if there's anything you want to add in, do so before the week is over. In the meantime, any suggestions for a plot twist are welcome, and could become the central story line of the next chapter. Also, corrupting more people to enter the Colliseum will call for more characters and will make everyone happy.

1.04.2006. Epic : Awaken the Divine
Heimdall is shocked to discover the identity of the corpse. Now, let us move on to the next chapter to put everything together...

1.04.2006 Upcoming Wiki: Whatever Happened to Baldr?
A Whodunnit surrounding the mysterious death of Baldr, of whom was discovered dead the morning following Thanatos' Celebration. It will be updated when this wiki is open for RP.

1.12.2006 New Wiki: Whatever Happened to Baldr?
The murderer will have now gotten a message from the user [Jeed] that will say "You are the Colliseum Murderer". Now we are ready to begin. I also apologize for the downtime, it was a combination of finding someone outside the RP to play messenger and also to figure out the broad story line of the Colliseum. Kampai!

3.09.2006 Wiki Ended: Whatever Happened to Baldr?
The party is over, and everyone's gone home. Thanatos has gone to atone for his actions and Baldr's body was taken care of...

3.09.2006. New Wiki: What Grows Inside
Everyone's got on with their own immortal lives, but how? Where did Thanatos and Thursday go? Why is Venus hiding away in her chambers? Why has everyone been keeping to themselves? What changes are occuring?

3.30.2006. New Banner:
Check it out, yo. Flaunt it, chew it, suck on it, whatever you do with banners. Now [kay-chan] can be happy. Enjoy!

5.09.2006 Banner-Mania:
Since our former banners had 'borrowed' images...yours truly is working on a series of new ones with original content. I am trying to make at least one of each character that has supplied an image. Works in progress!

6.29.06. Wiki Ended: What Grows Inside
Venus ends up leaving her own baby shower to show Satan the Underworld.

6.29.06 New Wiki: Into the Misty Wastes
The others discover several of the deities missing, including Venus. The search is on.

8.29.06 Wiki Ended: Into the Misty Wastes
Thanatos has been awakened from the Room of Nightmares.

8.29.06. New Wiki: A Toast! To Thine Demise!
Catching up with chums is a good way to spend time, but maybe time is of the essence when trying to accomplish something.

9.16.07 Wiki Ended: A Toast! To Thine Demise!
Satan is nowhere to be found, leaving Morrigan no other option but to fight.

9.16.07 New Wiki: When It Becomes Dark
Morrigan corrupts Heimdall into something a bit more dark, and the group must fight to save their Immortal Souls. But the ending may not be as straight-forward as it seems.


Hall of the Gods To find out which Gods are roaming the halls of the Colliseum, and how to join.

The Commandments To read the rules before applying.

The Epics The Ancient Archives of The Epics.

Chamber of Control The designation of all questions/comments/complaints/suggestions.

In Their Likeness Where images of the Immortals can be found.

Username (or number or email):


2005-08-30 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Accepting RP Gods/Goddesses

2005-08-30 [kay-chan]: NICE. I am intrigued and wish to learn more. ^.^

2005-09-02 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: hahah then become a God, Ris! Seriously ^_^ And if you have any questions, just message me. Trust'll get cooler once Natalie and I finish making graphics! Any suggestions.....also message me ^.^

2005-09-02 [ArcticTofu]: being a god can be fun but it gets boring after time =P

2005-09-03 [ArcticTofu]: I rather have the people being productive =P less worshipping more sacrifices ^^

2005-09-05 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Well you can make people make sacrifices to you...that is entirely...appropriate *grins evilly* And the drama'll come...Natalie and I are working on the set up still!! Sheesh give us sometime to ACTUALLY get some members, Ris. lol. So far only faithful Kay is actually one.

2005-09-05 [kay-chan]: *evil laughter* You cannot believe the time I had trying to pick a god. I wanted to be them all. Venus, Hermes, Hades, Diana... ALL of'em.

2005-09-05 [ArcticTofu]: hehe

2005-09-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Well...if we don't get a ton of Oh Kay I'm letting people be more than one deity...cuz we have only you as a member! I'm having a difficult time picking my own..I love so many of them...

2005-09-06 [AjaxTheGreat]: Hi hi!

2005-09-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Heya Scottie who's sucha hottie!

2005-09-06 [AjaxTheGreat]: Whose Scott? My name is Hermes!

2005-09-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: lol you don't have to be in character in the comments section....actually that's sorta what it's for, silly ^_^

2005-09-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Alriiiiiight! Two members now! *does a victory dance* Thanks Scott!

2005-09-06 [kay-chan]: Yay, someone is Hermes!! Can... can I be Venus?? Goddess of Love and Beauty?? PLEASE??

2005-09-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Hells yeah we need some Goddesses! I'm even debating putting in two just to get things rollin', ya know? But I'm thinking I'm gonna be Heimdall...Just beware..he's a flirt!

2005-09-06 [kay-chan]: Goddess of Love and you think she's NOT a flirt?? XD

2005-09-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Haha Yeah...I'm just warnin' ya so you don't think I'm all weird or anything ^_^.

2005-09-06 [Slinky]: oh! i wanna play! but i'm gonna have the same problem as kay... picking who to be...

2005-09-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Hahaha yeah...well "business" is quite if you can narrow it down to two; odds are I'll let you be both.

2005-09-06 [Slinky]: yay!

2005-09-07 [ArcticTofu]: can I be Hades or Hephaistos ? if not I´d like to be Aeolus the god of wind

2005-09-07 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Hey if it already isn't taken in the Hall of the can be anyone you want...just no made up religions, ya? ^_^ Just make a wiki for your character and send me the link to it in a message!

2005-09-07 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Ahhh *points at the update* The RP is started...even though there's hardly any members...just go on in and post...(you don't need to do itallics..that's just the foreword thingie)

2005-09-07 [ArcticTofu]: I don´t know how to make a wiki...

2005-09-07 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: ooooooooooooooooh well let's see...

2005-09-07 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: First off, highlight and copy all the form to fill out a god in Hall of the GOds. Next, go to the "type in a wiki" section of the page...and type the name of the wiki you want to make...(aka the god's name) ...if it is already taken, it'll show up as a wiki....if so then just alter the name until it works. If it isn''ll say the page is empty and click on "edit page" and paste the info! After all that is done...send me a message and write: [    ---name---of---thing-- @ wiki  ] except replace the ---name------of----thing--- with the actual name of the wiki and no spaces between the [] ^_^

2005-09-07 [ArcticTofu]: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!! too much input !

2005-09-07 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: =.= You can keep this window open just open another window and do what the instructions tell you

2005-09-07 [ArcticTofu]: hehehe ^^ I will get busy with it after dinner.

2005-09-07 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: your leisure. After all, it's not my time you're using ^_^

2005-09-07 [ArcticTofu]: k

2005-09-07 [muffin_killer]: I vant to join ^.^

2005-09-08 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Please, do join then! The more the merrier; truly!! Just go to Hall of the Gods and all that jazz to find out how, okies? ^_^

2005-09-09 [AjaxTheGreat]: Hey I change my mind...I totally forgot about the Norse gods. I sooo want to be Odin. I'll type up a bio tommorow if that's ok with you (changing the page and everything)

2005-09-09 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Ahh no you can be both!! it's OK!! gaaaaaaaaah!

2005-09-10 [muffin_killer]: can I be some random small goddess that nobody knows about?

2005-09-10 [muffin_killer]: well a goddess nobody NOW knows about...

2005-09-10 [muffin_killer]: but did infact exist...

2005-09-10 [AjaxTheGreat]: Blood brothers? Badass! Anyways, who are you thinking of being muffin?

2005-09-10 [muffin_killer]: I'm not sure yet, maybe some minor greek goddess...

2005-09-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Yeah go for it ^_^ Be anyone you want, truly! Hehee...Ahh Loki my enemy....*gives Ris a banana*

2005-09-11 [kay-chan]: Hee, conflict. Lovely.

2005-09-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Ooooh yes...words cannot express my happiness of someone being Loki...

2005-09-12 [kay-chan]: Gasp! How diabolical!

2005-09-12 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Ahh!! NOOoooooooOOOOOoooOOOOOO...You made me look foolish! YOU SHALL PERSISHH!.....erm..PERISH! haha ^_^

2005-09-12 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: ahahaha I make MYSELF look like a fool ^_^ So it's allllllll good....*looks around to make sure no one saw her dance* Ahem. yes. *Poke*

2005-09-12 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Muwahahahaaa this is confusing! A girl...attacking random guys, yet playing a flirtatious male...MmMmMmMmmmmm haha. Yay!

2005-09-13 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: hahah Hedwig and the Angry Inch....

2005-10-14 [kay-chan]: Are you going to make a new chapter with a new name?

2005-10-14 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Exactly, I linked it under The Epics, now I"m posting it under Updates

2005-10-20 [Blut Engel]: Test?

2005-10-20 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Test what, 'Lie?

2005-10-20 [kay-chan]: Test comments?

2005-10-20 [herrschneemann]: testing how many people answer this?

2005-10-21 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: o.0 I dunno...Natalie..what are you testing?

2005-11-08 [Averon]: umm I'd like to put in a character.....but it almost looks like this is dead...

2005-11-08 [kay-chan]: Whatever you want.

2005-11-08 [Averon]: Ok can I have a human character or does he have to be a gos and what is the format for my character (aka character sheet)

2005-11-08 [kay-chan]: Read the above wiki. There are rules, and then there's a place that says 'how to join.'

2005-11-08 [Averon]: O ok so he needs to be a god..I'll go and pick one...

2005-11-09 [The Femme Fatale Problem]:'s not dead...actually Kay and I post quite often on this thing, right Kay?

2005-11-09 [Averon]: I can see

2005-11-09 [kay-chan]: Yup. It was inactive for like two days, if that's what you saw.

2005-11-10 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Hhaha yeah which was rare. Yeah this is a pretty new RP, too.

2005-11-16 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Actually, [Averon], if you're really stuck with the idea of a mortal, message me. I may have an idea or two.

2005-11-16 [Averon]: Yeah I noticed like all of the gods I wanted were taken so it is strange how that happened but whatever

2005-11-16 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Hmm I'm sorry to hear that. It just takes some digging. I mean...a couple of those people never intended on being who they were. But it all just fell into place, basically. They read something and decided that's what they wanted.

2005-11-16 [Averon]: I believe I just need to research more

2005-11-16 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: ^_^ Just do some googling. That's a fun way to spend some time!

2005-11-16 [Averon]: Yep

2005-11-16 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Who knows...maybe you'll find a kick ass deity

2005-11-16 [Averon]: Maybe I'm going to look along the lines of an evil diety because it would be fun to play one

2005-11-16 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Yes! And we are in need of one! I'm the only one =.=

2005-11-16 [Averon]: ok then evil it is now to find a good one

2005-11-16 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: ^_^ Sweet

2005-11-17 [kay-chan]: Hee. Evil. The Devil. I should be the Devil.

2005-11-17 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: *idea!* You know...if you really wanted to tackle that, Kay, you are more than welcome to. Hahha

2005-11-17 [Averon]: I wanted to be the devil

2005-11-17 [kay-chan]: Then go for it. I'm gonna look for other Personages of Evil... because Hannah seems to have an evil plot in mind.

2005-11-17 [Averon]: I want to play an evil character I just didn't think of the devil et...

2005-11-18 [kay-chan]: If you go to you can find another evil being if you didn't think of Satan yet and want to find something else.

2005-11-18 [Averon]: ok

2005-11-18 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Yeah the Devil is sounds odd. But yeah no one has a claim on him ^_^ You don't have to be evil...mahaha an evil plot...Kay you gonna get in on it too? It'd be like .. a cult! An inside joke mahaha

2005-11-18 [Averon]: I want in yay

2005-11-18 [kay-chan]: Hee. Evil plot. *plots evilly* I'll wait until [Averon] chooses their god/goddess before going and grabbing mine.

2005-11-18 [Averon]: O ok I'll try and make it fast

2005-11-18 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Mahaha now people are motivated!

2005-11-21 [Averon]: ok I'm having trouble besides the devil can anyone suggest a evil diety?

2005-11-21 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Uhmm at the moment I can only think of Kali in the Hindu religion. But that's a chick. Maybe try Shiva...I'm sure he's evil. I think it'd be interesting to be something from the Hindu-ness. I almost was myself!

2005-11-21 [Averon]: Isn't Shiva a woman too??

2005-11-21 [Slinky]: there's always hades/pluto, if you wanna stick with the greek/romans that are so popular here.

2005-11-21 [Averon]: hmmm

2005-11-21 [kay-chan]: Hades isn't really evil, just the guardian of the underworld... it's only in 'Hercules' that he's evil.

2005-11-21 [kay-chan]: Lesse... Adro is an African god that's evil. Shin I think is evil... If you go to then click 'search' and look for their specialty to be under 'evil' than there's a whole list.

2005-11-21 [Averon]: ok

2005-11-22 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Haha yeah...well in true Hinduism...Shiva's a dude. It was in Final Fantasy that Shiva was a chick.

2005-12-08 [Averon]: O i see then shiva it is I will now do research on SHive..Put me down for Shiva then muhahahahhaahaha

2005-12-08 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: However...if you're interested in Odin...we could use him. He's not evil or anything.

2006-01-04 [Averon]: Odin...sounds interesting...

2006-01-04 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Well, I can pass him onto you. I just took him in cuz I was thining we could use him and he was sitting on 'abandoned deities' list. Want 'im?

2006-01-05 [Averon]: Hmmmm..I guess so but I will only be able to post like 2 or 3 times a day

2006-01-05 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: It doesn't matter ^_^ We're not really on at the same time all that much. As long as you post, it'll be alright ^_^

2006-01-05 [Averon]: okok where do I post??

2006-01-05 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Well at the moment....there isn't an RP open (we're between Epics) but when the mainpage says so, it's gonna be Whatever Happened to Baldr?

2006-01-05 [Averon]: ok....I'll keep an eye on that

2006-01-05 [Slinky]: plus you can read awaken the divine to catch up

2006-01-05 [Averon]: Ah I see the whole thing eh....*groans* ok I will

2006-01-06 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: haha well Slinky's got a'd need to know what they're all up to and the like ^_^

2006-01-07 [Slinky]: meh... if you're just playing odin, u at least have to know who heimdall is, and what his character is like

2006-01-07 [Averon]: okok

2006-01-29 [Slinky]: players: please check out I hate Kay, and then continue with your game. thank you.

2006-03-31 [kay-chan]: Yay! The new banner is BOOTYFUL, thanks so much for replacing my sucky one!

2006-03-31 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: oh my dear, dear Kay...your banner is still there ^_^ Muwahahaha That's how truly EVIL I am!! Such a mastermind ^_^

2006-03-31 [kay-chan]: Noooo... emphasis on REPLACE... XP

2006-03-31 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: NEVA! *twists metaphorical mustache*

2006-03-31 [kay-chan]: ...please? Pretty please? With Phish Food? :(

2006-03-31 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: just looks so nice's not bad at all! I don't know what your brain is twisting it to look like!

2006-03-31 [kay-chan]: *sigh* I only made it TO be replaced later, 'member? Oh, wel, I don't really care. I shall just sing then! "Feeling hot hot hot!" *dancing*

2006-03-31 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: muwahaha TRIUMPH! *does the sprinkler*

2006-03-31 [kay-chan]: *does the Floss, or whatever it's called*

2006-05-09 [kay-chan]: The new image banner isn't allowed, apparently, because it contains inlined images. And technically, the one I made does, as well. So someone has to make an entirely original one.

2006-05-09 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Yeah...I figured as much. I was just trying to buy some time until my friend actually made one for me...but I really think she never will *sighs* I may just take one of your drawings you've made of some of the characters and make it into a banner. That chill with you Kay?

2006-05-09 [kay-chan]: Yeah, sure.

2006-05-10 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Alright then *evil laughter ensues* ACK! *chokes*

2006-05-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: You know...I was taking my art history exam the other day...and I realized I've been spelling "Colliseum" wrong this whole time...either that or my instructor was (which actually wouldn't be so odd considering she's spelt a lot of words wrong before).

2006-05-11 [kay-chan]: Well, it is supposed to have just 1 'L' but I honestly don't care a whit...

2006-05-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Yeah...that's what I thought too...but I'm too lazy to fix ANYTHING. So meh. Oh...there's the Venus banner...sorry if it really sucks.

2006-05-11 [kay-chan]: Haha, her hair is pink. You might want to put an outline around the words, like a white border, because it's a tad hard to read it.

2006-05-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: hmmm JEEZ such demands! ^_^

2006-05-11 [kay-chan]: You know you like it ;D

2006-05-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: You're gives me a sense of purpose ^_^ But how's that?

2006-05-11 [kay-chan]: That's possum. ^.^

2006-05-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Annnd there's Satan...cuz we wouldn't want Slinky to feel all left out ^_^

2006-05-11 [Slinky]: ^_^ plus no one has drawn lakshmi yet, and dionysus is only in a group pic that kay did. not that i'm volunteering to draw anything. unless u like stick figures...

2006-05-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: And Jesus isn't colored (yet?) so...It's just gonna be these four until I get mobbed with more images ^_^ But hm...stick figures...Oh, you tempt me! haha

2006-05-11 [kay-chan]: Yeah, I'll get around to them... later...

2006-05-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: ^_^ Cool, cool. No rush. I just feel so proud of my smudging of Satan's fire on the banner. *squeals*

2006-05-11 [Slinky]: yesh, it's beautiful

2006-05-11 [kay-chan]: 'tis, truly 'tis. ^.^

2006-05-12 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Aww aren't you guys so sweet? Brownies for everyone! Considering..."Everyone" is a total of the three of us.

2006-08-27 [NOOOPE]: WOORT! I have te'joined-ed!

2006-08-27 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Indeed you have! Now you're stuck in this mud hole with the rest of us!

2006-11-28 [Coldfire1]: <img:img/mood/44166_1164145147.gif> oh...mythology!! this looks like a kool site

2006-11-28 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Well, that's cos it IS a cool site ^_^

2006-11-28 [kay-chan]: Pretty much. We kick ass.

2006-11-28 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Haha not to toot my own horn but...*toot toot* Yeaaaaaaah it's really not THAT cool...cos it's run by ME.

2006-11-28 [Coldfire1]: what exactly do you guys do here?

2006-11-28 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Well it's an RP....we...ehm. RP.

2006-11-28 [Coldfire1]: oh kool

2006-11-28 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Yeah, as cool as three nerdy girls can get tromping around as Gods.

2006-11-29 [Slinky]: hey! i resent that comment! ... I do NOT tromp.

2006-11-29 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: . . . Do you Frollick?

2006-11-29 [kay-chan]: I dunno about her but I frolic!

2006-11-29 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Oh, I bet you do. ^.~

2006-11-29 [Slinky]: i might consider the frollicking...

2006-11-29 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: So I got angry hate mail from the one person mob known as Kay telling me to get the fecking RP going in motion despite M.

2006-11-29 [kay-chan]: I'm a riot! :D It was NOT angry hate mail. It didn't even have a tone of disturbed. And I didn't go out of my way, even; I just added on to a previous conversation. Besides, I thought M just wanted to get her character in line... does the M want to enter NOW?

2006-11-29 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Haha I don't even know. I'm just joking, Kay. Easy girl, easy!

2006-11-29 [kay-chan]: *stops gnawing on leg with her RABIES*

2006-11-29 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Good thing I've had my shots...At least I can finally put that old peg leg I stole off a homeless man to use.

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